Crisis opportunity No. 03: Focus your business model on eternal needs


Dr. Pero Mićić What specific opportunities do you have in the crisis? Crisis opportunity No. 03: Focus your business model on eternal needs The crisis is stirring everything up, calling everything into question. That’s why, especially now in a crisis, it’s possible to rethink and rebuild your business from the ground up. So that you […]

Vision creates earnings & enterprise value

Ertrag Unternehmenswert

– Less comparability – more unique position and margin
– No stagnation – more potential utilization and turnover
– Lower costs – higher yield
– Fewer financial worries – maximum enterprise value

Vision creates energy & performance

Energie Leistung

Where do you lead? How to make your mission and vision your most profitable investment! – PART 5 With three examples I will show you how vision creates energy & performance! 12. Less sluggishness – more motivation and performance (Energy & Performance) Problem Why are your employees resisting the change they need? Solution What fascinates […]

Vision creates simplicity & efficiency

Einfachheit Effizienz

Where do you lead? How to make your mission and vision your most profitable investment! – PART 4 Using three examples, I’ll show you how Vision creates simplicity & efficiency! 09. Less small stuff – more view on the whole (simplicity & efficiency) Problem Why do you decide so often and so much? Solution Where […]