Crisis Opportunity No. 01: Lead! Take on the role of leader and “hero” in the crisis

Dr. Pero Mićić

What specific opportunities do you have in the crisis?

Crisis Opportunity No. 1: Lead! Embrace your role as leader and “hero” in the crisis

Leadership in the crisis

Learn to be comfortable in the role of leader. This is a very fundamental opportunity. The prerequisite for all other opportunities. How to master leadership in a crisis.

In the first part of this series on your strategy in the Corona Crisis, I showed you four scenarios of how the Corona Crisis could play out. How bad it could get and how long it could last. If you haven’t seen or heard the scenarios yet, that would be a good first step before you take them to crisis opportunities.

For millennia, it has been said that every crisis brings opportunities. But what does that mean in concrete terms? What opportunities do you have now as a leader with your team, your company and your organization?

Since I was 19 years old, I have been an entrepreneur, bearing personal responsibility for hired employees and their welfare and salary. I know the difficult situations of entrepreneurship not only intellectually-theoretically, but I know all the emotional and psychological challenges.

Maybe that’s why there are few things I hate as much as time-wasting shallow drivel. You probably feel the same way. So let’s find the opportunities together and make them as concrete as possible. I take advantage of these opportunities myself.

At the end of 2019, the world was far from perfect. It was just our normal imperfect world in which we had managed to get along reasonably well. Until the Corona crisis came in March 2020, catapulted us into a whole new foreign world within a few days and became a huge challenge for all of us.

The Corona crisis brings great suffering. Everybody says, everybody knows. My scenarios show that. I want to focus on the opportunities here with you now. Opportunities are opportunities for action that, if we take advantage of them, will help us make our world a better place now and after the crisis. And will help you shape your future business.

You know this from novels and movies. First everything is fine and dandy and then suddenly the threat comes. Aliens, enemies, predators, a volcano or – a virus. People start looking for those who can save us. Many of the potential rescuers have long since resigned, wave off and stay put. Some wrestle with themselves. But then they say, somewhat reluctantly, yes, okay, I’ll do it. I will lead you out of trouble, out of crisis.

Leadership in the crisis: Time for heroines and heroes

Maybe it sounds a little too melodramatic for you. Now is the time for heroic deeds and heroic stories that you will love to tell later. The time for heroines and heroes :). For leaders. And no, I don’t subscribe to a “Great Man Theory.” Everyone is a leader in their environment. Some always, some part-time. At least, each of us leads himself.

This is the first chance. It is practically the foundation, the basis for you to do something with the following opportunities. Become aware of your role as a leader! You need to focus on what you can design yourself. And so does your team. What you cannot change yourself only costs time and energy. And it paralyzes.

The bridge from now to post-crisis success is built from these very opportunities. Let’s be realistic: This bridge will be anything but cozy. Perhaps hurricane-force winds will blow, it will rain like cats and dogs, problems will force you to take steps back, cynics and haters will laugh and mock you on the sidelines. Nevertheless, it should not be an option for you to stay on this side of the bank just because it is easier now.

Opportunities are neither forecasts nor dreams

To see the opportunities, you need the “green future glasses”, the future glasses for the options, the possibilities, the opportunities to be able to shape your own future. Where there are no opportunities, there is no decision, no action and no success.

Opportunities are neither forecasts nor dreams. Opportunities are opportunities. For each of us. We have to use it, we have to act to make it better. And do it now!

The No. 1 opportunity is therefore: Lead! Embrace your role as a leader and “hero” in a crisis. Learn to feel comfortable in that role.

Leadership in the crisis: concrete task

Describe your leadership role for yourself in writing and in detail. Clarify yourself as a leader. What do you expect from yourself? Who hopes for your leadership? What do others expect from you? How do you want to be useful to others? What goes through your mind when you think these thoughts? What are you wondering? What opportunities do you see?

Follow these links as well:

â–º The Future Strategy Program for SMEs

â–º Free video crash course THE FUTURE OF YOUR BUSINESS
â–º BUSINESS WARGAMING for robust business and future opportunities
â–º KEYNOTES by Pero Mićić for your employees and customers

Have a bright future!