How to make your mission and vision your most profitable investment!

Where do you lead? How to make your mission and vision your most profitable investment! – PART 1

Dear Leader*,

Are you satisfied with the expressiveness and impact of your mission and vision? Does it make you and your employees confident? Do you feel future-proof?

A future-robust mission and motivating vision can be the most valuable thing about your company. At the same time, it gives you the most powerful leadership tool. Who has visions should go to the doctor? No way! Amazon’s vision is to become the most customer-centric company in the world. If the vision was only to become the market leader in online retail, Amazon would never have allowed competitors onto their platform. Amazon would not have the importance it has today. Tesla’s mission is to accelerate the world’s transformation toward sustainable transportation and energy. Sounds almost boring. And yet this simple thought is the cause of one of the most radical upheavals of an entire industry in the last hundred years. Even the proud German automakers are being forced to copy Tesla.

Mission, vision, positioning

The answers to three questions form the cornerstones of your business.

Future strategy: mission, positioning, vision

What will your company exist for in the future?

The answer to this question is usually called the mission. You could also call it mission or purpose if mission sounds too alienating. Recently, a distinction has been made between the “purpose” and the “why”.

The designation is indifferent. It is crucial that your mission clearly defines what you and your company will live by in the future and what contribution your company will make to the well-being of your customers and, ideally, society.

How do you stay unique and competitive?

Credible positioning that is difficult to copy creates the uniqueness and unique position that makes it easier for you to attract and retain customers while commanding better prices. But which positioning is compatible with the trends and technologies of the future? What specifics of your offering and business model will still be valuable in a few years?

What do you want to achieve with your team?

Without a vision, without a picture of the future, you cannot really lead. Without a vision, you have no template for the puzzle in day-to-day business. Without a vision, you don’t see what should give you and your team the energy and motivation in the here and now and what is worth working for. Determine for yourself what kind of future you want to create. Don’t be driven by other visionaries.

Your mission, positioning and vision must be future-robust. The current and coming dramatic upheavals and disruption of business models continue to challenge your strategy for the future.

Read here in 18 points why and how your mission and vision can become your most profitable investment.



Follow these links as well:

â–º The Future Strategy Program for SMEs

â–º Free video crash course THE FUTURE OF YOUR BUSINESS
â–º BUSINESS WARGAMING for robust business and future opportunities
â–º KEYNOTES by Pero Mićić for your employees and customers

Have a bright future!

*applies to readers of all genders


About the other parts

PART 2: Where do you lead? This is how you make your mission and vision your most profitable investment. Vision creates opportunities & security

PART 3: Where do you lead? This is how you make your mission and vision your most profitable investment. Clarity & Effectiveness

PART 4: Where do you lead? This is how you make your mission and vision your most profitable investment. Simplicity & Efficiency

PART 5: Where do you lead? This is how you make your mission and vision your most profitable investment. Energy & Power

PART 6: Where do you lead? This is how you make your mission and vision your most profitable investment. Earnings & enterprise value