Mechanical engineering and production

Vision candidates for the digital transformation

As a company in the mechanical and plant engineering sector, are you looking for a strategy to successfully master the challenges of the future? In the area of tension between continuity and disruption, the development of a future-robust vision and strategy is an urgent necessity. Trends and technologies will permanently change mechanical engineering, industrial production and customer expectations.

In our Market Foresight ‘Mechanical Engineering and Manufacturing. Visisonskandidaten für den digitalen Wandel’ specifically for companies from the mechanical engineering and production sector, we present the most important trends and technologies that will shape the market in the next five to fifteen years. In addition, we will use six exemplary vision candidates to show you how a mechanical engineering company could align itself to take advantage of future opportunities and continue to be successful in the market with new business models.

What are vision candidates?

Vision candidates are fundamentally desirable to each other alternative images of a fascinating
and feasible future of your company. Digitization, sensorization and artificial intelligence, as well as the transformation of classic value chains into complex platform-based value ecosystems, will open up numerous opportunities for mechanical engineering companies in the coming years. But which of them fit the respective company, i.e. its culture, mission, positioning and business models? Without a directional decision, a company cannot focus due to overflowing complexity. Only when the basic direction is clear can opportunities be developed in a targeted and creative manner. With the preferred vision candidate, you decide on the direction you want to go. The goal is to develop a suitable vision that is unique in your market.

What common vision of the future are all your projects and initiatives running toward? A forward-looking leader must have a vision of the future toward which he or she guides his or her employees. Only a long-term target picture provides the necessary orientation, focus and target harmony.

Follow these links as well:

â–º The Future Strategy Program for SMEs

â–º Free video crash course THE FUTURE OF YOUR BUSINESS
â–º BUSINESS WARGAMING for robust business and future opportunities
â–º KEYNOTES by Pero Mićić for your employees and customers

Have a bright future!