5 vision candidates for the craft sector and its partners

What direction are you aiming for as a craft company or partner of the craft industry?

We present vision candidates for the craft and its partners. Vision candidates are basically desirable to each other alternative images of a fascinating and feasible future of your company.

Digitization, automation, and virtualization, as well as the transformation of traditional value chains into complex platform-based value ecosystems, will open up numerous opportunities for craft businesses in the coming years. But which of them fit the respective company, i.e. its culture, mission, positioning and business models?

Without a directional decision, a company cannot focus due to overflowing complexity. With the preferred vision candidate, you decide on the direction you want to go. The goal is to develop a suitable vision that is unique in your market.

Below are some fictional examples of vision candidates for the craft and its partners.

5 vision candidates for the craft sector and its partners

Identify and exploit your strategic opportunities in current and new business areas

In our series, we present five inspiring vision candidates that we have developed based on three dimensions.

The future of the market for craft enterprises and their partners is described with the help of the five future glasses of the Eltville model for future-robust strategy development.

This series is based on the Market Foresight ‘Smart craft: Between tradition and technology. Vision candidates and future strategies for the skilled crafts sector and its partners‘.

Individual vision candidates for the craft and its partners

  • Vision candidate A: Home of the craftsman
  • Vision candidate B: E-shop for the craft sector
  • Vision candidate C: Platform for the craft sector
  • Vision Candidate D: Smart life phase companion
  • Vision candidate E: Specialist for intelligent windows